All posts filed under: Physical Computing

Serial Output from the Arduino

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Physical Computing

This week we are testing the serial output by the Arduino. This specific example has a nice graphical representation that visualizes the serial output that changes according to the potentiometer’s knob turning. To start, we will need the following materials:   We will follow this schematic map in order to wire the components together: This is what the end result should look like:   Once everything is wired, use this code in Processing import processing.serial.*; […]

User Experience Observations: Buttons

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Physical Computing

On Wednesdays I work in a building on Jay st in Brooklyn that must have one of the slowest elevators in the city. Everytime I enter the building I look at my watch and calculate another 6 minutes (at least) — I know there is still some time left between me and my final destination. Each time it’s almost an identical experience: someone will ride the elevator with me and press one of the numbers […]

Lighting the LED

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Physical Computing

After becoming more familiar with the various parts in the Arduino kit, I started experimenting with some elements and code. Here are some parts that are good to start with: This week, I lit up some LEDs, have a look! And here’s some fun I had with the LED colors:   Last but not least, here are some more electronic parts I became familiar with this week: See you next week!  The image above (main […]

An Invitation to Interact

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Physical Computing

Two years ago I joined a friend for one of the most extraordinary experiences in theatre I have ever had. We arrived to The McKittrick Hotel an hour prior to the announced time, and there had already been a noticeably long line. Sleep No More was rumored to be “an experience like no other”, but I admit that I was sceptic this would be a significantly different experience. Taking into consideration this was theatre at the […]

Hello Arduino!

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Physical Computing

This is my first post on using the Arduino! Although we have met before, this time I’m going to dedicate more time documenting things I learn and come across, like parts, techniques, success and failure.  So let’s begin — have a look at the image above and meet Arduino! It just looks scary, all it really is is a tiny computer, or a microcontroller. Arduino will soon become very helpful, but before we explore what it can do, […]